Try out an AFD
Postcode Search for
yourself or if you already know the postcode, its
faster to use Postcode Lookup
Enter details of
UK address (letter box) to find the full Royal Mail
address and postcode for it. If the address detail
you supply returns more than one possible answer,
we'll supply the first 50 matches we find. Many
addresses can be located by just entering a street
address like '51 Meadowfoot Road' or a name 'AFD
Software'. More common addresses like '12 High
Street' are best entered with a Town or County name.
If you are unsure
which part of the address you have, check the wide
search option box - and we'll look in all fields for
your data, but this will be a bit slower.
If you are not
certain of the spelling of an address element, place
a '$' in front of the entry - like $51 Medofut Rode'