Comic Relief Stay safe and well quiz
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Stay safe and well quiz.

You see a bottle with a skull and bones. It means:
1» Pirates die if they drink from it.
2» You go green and vomit if you drink from it.
3» The bottle is bonehead boring and not worth opening.

What happens if you don't brush your teeth?
1» The tooth fairy takes your pocket money.
2» You become a toothless glove puppet.
3» Your toothbrush gets sad.
Your parent will get you from school. Someone else offers
you a car ride. What do you do?
1» Run.
2» Scream.
3» Be as rude and nasty as the rudest, nastiest kid in the world.

You are about to cross the road. Do you...
1» Look left and right.
2» Say? Want to eat some worms on toast?
3» Shake your head like you did just then?

You meet a dog you want to pet. Do you...
1» Ask the owner first.
2» Stop if it growls.
3» Move slowly as it's not as brave as your teddy.
If nurse or doctor use
a needle. Do you..
1» Show off how big and fearless you are.
2» Think how your big toe feels.
3» Imagine someone nasty is feeling your treatment.